February 26, 2022

Tesla Wall Connector Sharing Follower Network Drop Off


The Tesla Wall Connector (TWC) sharing group devices are refered to a one lead and multiple followers. The follower TWC drops off the local network when it is joined to the lead TWC in a sharing group.

In this case, both TWC were joined to the local WiFi network and then one was configured as the lead. Successful sharing configuration caused the follower TWC to drop off the local WiFi network. Before sharing, both TWC were pingable from the local network.

Tesla Wall Connector support responded to emails by acknowledging that Tesla receives data from all wall connectors including shared TWC. They had no comment on the loss of local network contact except to say that since they were receiving "vitals" data from both, it did not matter that one was not pingable locally.

A theory is that the TWC devices can only be a client to one WiFi access point SSID. Since the TWC sharing uses the TWC internal SSID for communciation, it would make sense that the follower TWC cannot join the local WiFi network because it is already joined to the lead network. It would be useful for Tesla to include this information in their Tesla Wall Connector Sharing Document.

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